Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

We hope everyone had a wonderful New Year's Eve and that 2011 has started off right! We have some great events planned for 2011. Mark you calendars for the following dates:

January 11th - Happy Hour at Twist
January 26th - Cheer on the Thrashers
February 8th - Champagne and Sweets Social
February 23rd - Rock Climbing
March 12th - Shamrock Project
March 22nd - Dinner at Pura Vida
April 7th - Baby Shower for Atlanta Day Shelter
April 19th - Dinner at JCT Kitchen
May 3rd - Dinner at Los Margaritas
May 21st - Atlanta Roller Girls Game
June 7th - Dinner and Drinks at Neighbors
June 18th - Braves Game

More details will follow for each event, but we hope to see you!

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