Sunday, August 29, 2010

Helping a Sister

We usually only post stuff about Atlanta KD's on our blog, but in this case it was worth an exception. Chelsea Meythaler, a KD alumna from University of Kentucky, was driving to work early this spring when she was involved in a serious car accident. Chelsea was instantly paralyzed from the chest down.

She was transported to the UK trama center and then later spent three months in Atlanta working on her recovery. During her recovery, Chelsea has kept a positive outlook and is gaining some movement in her hands. She even married her long time boyfriend, David!

A great organziation, Right as Rain, is working to raise money to help Chelsea and David make their home more accessible for her and to buy much needed medical equipment for her recovery. You can help support the efforts by visiting Any donation or support you can offer helps show Chelsea her KD sisters near and far are thinking of her.

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