Saturday, August 14, 2010

Did You Know...

Did you know that in the KD Atlanta Night chapter we have women representing 27 different collegiate chapters? Our members include Virginia Tech, University of Maryland, University of Kentucky, Texas A & M, Texas Tech, Lynchburg College, Cornell University, Bowling Green State University and Birmingham Southern College alumnae among others. Clemson, Georgia Southern, West Georgia, Southern Mississippi and North Georgia College and State University are all tied for the largest groups from any one chapter.

Our members were also very involved in their chapters as undergraduates. Among the many offices our members held, four members served as their Chapter President, four served as Treasurer and four served on Panhellenic. Another two members served as their New Member Educator, two members served as the Vice President of Membership and two served as the Vice President of Standards. The most popular position, however, was Vice President of Public Relations. We had five members serve their chapters in the VP PR role.

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