Thursday, September 16, 2010

Atlanta Career Fair

Women For Hire, a Confidence Coalition partner, is determined to make the 2010 fall career expo season the best ever—which means offering top notch seminars and services that will have you leaving any of their expos feeling more enthusiastic, enlightened and just plain better about your career than you did when you walked in.

Experience with Women For Hire FREE of charge: Resume Reviews, Fast-Paced Career Seminars, Mentor Match, all-new Perfect Pitch program, PLUS hiring recruiters from top-notch employers.
The event will kick off with an early morning seminar featuring Good Morning America workplace contributor and Women For Hire CEO Tory Johnson, where she will share her own fired to hired story and give you advice on how to find a job or start a business now.

Fall schedule: New York (Sept. 23), Washington, DC (Oct. 6), Atlanta (Oct. 12), Chicago (Oct. 19) and Dallas (Nov.2).
Visit for more details and register for the Early Morning Seminar today.

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